Friday 25 October 2013

Seminar review

Last Monday we had the first official group seminiar of the semester. Engaging in constructive critical debate proved very positive and helpful to all of us participating. Our evolving concepts were assessed to consider the voyeurs interpretation and response to the individual art works initially without references or otherwise from the artist and thereafter realised from the artist.

Seminar Review

1. Short statement: what is it you want the work to address? Identify the core elements/concerns that reoccur in the work?

Currently my work looks at personality and human behaviour that is both physically identified and the inner persona that is sometimes ignorantly hidden. Using the language of the body, the camera and the relationship between both I explore the development of ones thinking. I am currently working with other individuals in the work. The general aim is to allow the individuals to adapt a pathway to their inner mind and thereafter their expressive emotive responsive interpretation implied using interpretatve movement. Responses to ones alter ego, past discomfort or relationships are discovered and represented ambiguously allowing further interpretation as well as participation in the experience.

2. How were these core elements touched on in the discussion I.e. To what extent did the work convey your intentions?
I presented two elements of my work that I think caused confusion without explanation. To the left and right of the central piece featured a documentation of the meditative part of the workshop of which illustrated a grouping of people and the contrast observations were made between theses and individual shots in that they interpreted the interactive behaviour of people within groups and on their own. However the viewers then acknowledged the representation of identity in the work especially in the central work which was clear.

3. Pick out the elements that you feel are working at the moment - be specific.

Conceptually I believe that the psychology of the inner mind and its representation is something that is working for me. I want to continue to evolve this concept. With respect to the family structure I believe that it will more than likely be used as an aspect or building stone in character and will be used as a trigger in the emotional response for an individual.  I really think that the medium of the lens currently speaks the language that I want illustrated however I would like to develop the opportunities available from using the camera in that the manipulation and percieved outcome can be built to create a strong dialogue between the camera, performer and voyeur. I also feel that the use of the shaddow is working, although I again, think it can evolve, I enjoy the sense of identification it portrays or the there lack of!

4. What are the areas that need improvement? Was there an area of the work that the group did not pick up on? If so, what can be done to give the area more focus?
I think everyone brimmed the surface of what I was trying to get accross however I hope hone in on the concept to get a more in depth and strenghted image. I want to explore futher the methodologies that the camera can provide endeavouring a more substantial language.  I will continue working with others for now as I want to see how far I can go with another individual and how my triggerative language can open up the expressive movement of the body. In saying that I also want to look at the symbolism of the expressive body and how that can be represented in a fashion that is as raw as possible by the performer. Finallty I will develop the presentation of the work as I believe particular focus has to be put in place from initial observation.

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